Sunday, March 15, 2009

I lost count,0,6188148.story

In 1996, Californians voted to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, despite the fact that according to federal law it is illegal for anybody to sell or possess marijuana. Due to these clashing policies, many controversies have arisen. Federal DEA agents have been raiding dispensaries, which distribute medical marijuana, and locking up users and sellers of the medicine. Obama promised to end these raids, but they have continued, the most recent just two days after his election. However, last week, Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that the Justice Department would no longer raid these dispensaries. Now the question remains of what to do with the 100+ people who have been arrested in these raids. The stopping of these raids is definitely a wise decision considering the DEA’s limited resources.
I cannot believe how stubborn and ignorant the federal government can be. Marijuana has shown worthwhile medicinal values, and a state chose to legalize the use of it, but the DEA would attack them constantly. Isn’t there a meth lab somewhere they should be busting? I am glad the raids have ceased, but I believe they never should have begun. The federal government needs to consult with a state government when ever states pass a law the feds don’t like instead of arresting everyone acting upon the law. Thirteen states in all have legalized medicinal marijuana to some extent, and hopefully more will come.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Editorial 4

I think the court made the exact right decision. If a parent doesn’t want their 12 year old picking up hookers in Grand Theft Auto, parents shouldn’t let their kids play Grand Theft Auto. Why does a bill need to be passed to make it so one must be 18 before buying that game? The thought that somebody my age could not go and buy Halo is ridiculous. Should cigarettes, porn, and Halo be equal in the eyes of the law? Not at all. Parents who are concerned that their kid will shoot up their school because of their choice in video games should spend less time writing their senator and more time hugging their kid and raising them to be mature sensible adults.,0,4975089.story