Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 2

To me the most important issue in this election is our struggling economy. What has been happening recently on Wall Street can very much affect this entire nation's future if it is not handled properly. Thousands of people are losing their homes and thousands more are losing their jobs. In order to avoid another great depression, we must act quickly and efficiently to get our economy back on its feet. Hopefully by the time we elect our next leader, we will be through the worst that this economic crisis brings, and the leader we choose can keep our economy strong for generations to come.

In the only debate that has taken place so far, I think that Obama emerged triumphant. He was much more vocal about his well thought out plans to solve our economic crisis, while McCain depended on chastising Obama for letting some earmark spending through. McCain's points were redundant, and at many times focused more on bashing Obama than promoting himself. Obama remained on the high road through the debate, while McCain took a few low blows and twisted Obama's words.

The electronic media will have a huge impact on this election. As we grow more and more technologically advanced, more house holds have computers and internet connections and televisions. More and more information is available to more and more people. The electric media will spread news of happenings on the campaign trail, but it may also spread untrue rumors and slander on candidates too. The American people have to be careful, and skeptic of everything that they hear from the media.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I watched this and thought it was really funny, and displays perfectly how so many politicians will tell people what ever they want to hear.

"And I can see Russia from my house!"

Some Lyrics

"F*** talkin' bout the recession, its Just depressin'
I rock with Obama, but I aint no politician,
and I
Chill with the thugs and the gangstas too
I aint a blood, but I war with the boys in blue"
-Jockin Jay-Z

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 1

I am pretty moderate in most of my political views. On most social issues I take the liberal side (pro-choice, let gays get married, make music not war, ect.), while with some economic issues I lean conservative, but I'm still really getting a feel for where I standl; all this politics stuff is new to me. In this election, I support Barrack Obama. I think that his philosophy of bringing change is exactally what we need to repair our economy and to get our foreign policy back on track.

I would love to think that Obama's promises of finding new, clean, renewable energy within ten years could be a reality. We desperately need to in order to take better care of our planet, to help our economy, and to break our addiction to foreign oil. However, Obama's promise is huge, and there is really no way in knowing wheather it will be successful. He has promised to pour hundreds of billions of tax dollars into research, which I have no problem with, but he has no way of being 100% positive that he will be successful. I think that Obama's plan will be more effective than McCain's in the long run, because they seem to care more. At the DNC, energy was discussed much more than at the RNC.

I trust Obama much more to end the Iraq war than McCain. Dont get me wrong, I dont think we should just pack up and leave the Iraqis alone with their new govornment, but I dont think we should be there for another 20 years. McCain says "I would rather lose this election than lose this war," but in this war there is no winning for us. Obama said that we need to get out as soon as we can responsibly, which is just what we need to do.